Saturday, October 4, 2014

Heres an old school tut I did back in 2009 :)

Supplies Needed
Filters Unlimited 2
Xenofex 2
Template and word art by me download here
(Mask used included, if someone knows whos it is let me
know and i will remove if not suppose to share)

Lets begin:

Open template
Select HeartRibbon layer
using the color replacer tool change
color to #E2789D

Filters Unlimited 2 - Paper Textures - Fibrous Paper Coarse
Use the default settings
(Intensity - 88 Lightness - 128)

EyeCandy4 - Gradient Glow with these setting on Basic

On  the Color Tab select Fat and you get two tabs
for the colors, make two more so there is four
Change the two tabs to the right using the
color #E2789D

Add a drop shadow

Select Word Art layer and using
the color replacer tool - change
it to white

EyeCandy 4 - Gradient Glow - Settings - Thin Green
and change the color to #E2789D

Add mask with the color #E2789D
behind the HeartRibbon layer

Open the BCA_WordArt supplied
using the color replacer tool
change the color to #E2789D
Add it over the mask layer
Erase the word art outside of the heart ribbon
Layer Palette - Bring the opacity to 50

Open small ribbon supplied and using the color
replacer tool also change to the color #E2789D
Copy - paste over BCA_WordArt layer
four times - resizing two of them smaller by
80 percent original size
Layer Palette - bring opacity 31

Close the background layer and the mask layer
Go to Layers - Merge all visible layers

Open the backgound and mask layer
Select the mask layer and make a copy
of what you have made so far by
hitting the keys Shift and D on your keyboard

Still on the mask layer
Xenofex 2 - Constellation with these settings

Layers - Merge all visible layers
Copy - Paste unto Animation Shop as new animation

Back to Paintshop
On other copy of tag also on the mask layer
add the same effect ONLY changing the
Random Seed to 5546
Layers - Merge all visible layers
Copy - Paste unto Animation Shop after selected frame

Save Gif.

PS: Can be saved as a non animated tag too :)

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